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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Bipartisan Big Government is at it again

    By Republican Michigander, Section News
    Posted on Mon Dec 07, 2009 at 05:29:54 PM EST
    Tags: Smoking, Big Government (all tags)

    Here's the usual definition of bipartisanship. Both parties get together, come up with a scheme, and screw over the people and take away our freedoms. That's the case on the horizon here with the smoking ban issue. Big government statists are at it again.

    From Gannett via the Argus

    Senate Republicans will take another stab at prohibiting smoking in all workplaces, including restaurants and bars. But whether to exempt Detroit's casinos remains a key question.

    "It's time to get it moving," said Sen. Ron Jelinek, R-Three Oaks, who is prodding fellow Senate Republicans with a compromise.

    That plan would ban smoking in all public places, but possibly allow it to some extent at the Detroit casino on gaming floors, as well as in cigar bars. Smoking would be banned at the Detroit casino restaurants and hotels, possibly answering concerns of bar owners about giving a competitive advantage to the casinos.

    Thanks Jelinek for once again moving Republicans away from our less government roots. The simplified version is that democrats are generally in favor for the ban, but want the Detroit casinos exempted. The Republicans are mostly against this, but if it is to be done, no exceptions. Both of those should be shot down.

    Instead of no exceptions or few exceptions, how about a business choice exception. That's what we have now and it works. Most places right now are non-smoking. Almost all business are non-smoking. Few allow it.

    The big fight here is over restaurants. Some allow smoking and some don't. That's currently the owner's decision and that is how it should be. There are some places in Brighton and Howell that do not allow smoking. That is their choice. Copper Pickle, Stillwater, and Brighton Bar and Grill do not allow smoking. These are privately owned establishments that made their own decision to ban smoking. They did it the right way.

    It's crap like this that makes me want to take up smoking. I'm tempted to light a giant cigarette with the worst flavor possible as a middle finger to this. We can start in the offices of Jelinek and Basham.

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    Jelinek (none / 0) (#1)
    by Rougman on Mon Dec 07, 2009 at 07:23:29 PM EST
    Jelinek is exactly the type of guy we need in the legislature; a guy who isn't afraid to squash someone else'e individual liberty if he personally likes the result.

    When it comes to freedom there is no black and white in this guy's arsenal, it is all just shades of gray.


    Nofs (none / 0) (#4)
    by dsheill on Tue Dec 08, 2009 at 12:41:22 PM EST
    Well, Jelinek and his new buddy Nofs are at least working well together in the Senate: http://www.jackformichigan.org/2009/12/wy-did-nofs-and-jelinek-vote-wrong-on.html

    This is admittedly a tricky issue though since the needed reforms are being imposed by the feds ala No Child Left Behind under the Spending Clause.

    Now, now (none / 0) (#6)
    by Rougman on Tue Dec 08, 2009 at 02:59:22 PM EST
    Don't you realize that surrendering your liberty to a Republican is a lot more desirable than surrendering your liberty to a Dem?  This way we can stay embraced within the arms of those who love us, rather than those who just want to rule us.

    Freep editorial (none / 0) (#7)
    by Rougman on Tue Dec 08, 2009 at 03:02:41 PM EST
    Of course in favor of the legislation to ban smoking in private businesses is the Freep in an editorial today. It is called "End Michigan's shame, pass smoking ban."

    My guess is that it is the shame of liberty that has those lefties so appalled.  

    Call their bluff. (none / 0) (#8)
    by LookingforReagan on Tue Dec 08, 2009 at 05:50:02 PM EST
    Nothing new here. The idea that second hand smoke is harmful came from a flawed and bogus UN report that was discounted and dismembered as a huge fraud years ago. If smoking is the root of all evil when it comes to health and if they really believe that smoking is harmful and dangerous to the health and welfare of the people then ban the substance. Ban all tobacco products in the state and the health and medical issues are all solved. Instead of trying to use this subject as a political football or a club over the heads of the citizens or to tax more money from us to help pay for health care for those who smoke then inact a prohibition against the use of all tobacco products. End of story. But of course they won't do that. If they did that would be one less vice they could use as a cash cow to fill the states coffers.
    If those in Lansing really believe that smoking is wrong and harmful make it illegal. I dare them.

    now that we're about to successfully dispatch... (none / 0) (#11)
    by goppartyreptile on Wed Dec 09, 2009 at 03:09:20 PM EST
    the smokers, I recommend a few amendments for the bill.  

    First, smokers cannot light up their disgusting cancer stick and billow smoke within 10,000 feet of another human being.

    Second,  all smokers will only use designated drinking fountains in public places.  We don't want their lips within 8 inches of our precious water, what with the nicotine and tar molecules that may linger.

    And when that gets done, who shall we go after next?

    The drive is already on to demonize cell phone use, so we can start there.  Here's some arguments to condition people for the inevitable legislation:

    1. I don't want to pay for your brain cancer.  Your rights end when you put that radioactive, noise polluting device to your head.

    2. I shouldn't have to go to a restaurant or a mall or any other store and have to deal with the loud talking, lewd language, or general inconsideration of these idiots that are carrying their brain cancer weapons.  I shouldn't have to move out of their way at the grocery store because they are blocking the aisle, and I shouldn't have to go out in public and hear all those obnoxious ringtones.

    3. Driving while talking is worse than drinking, and not only should it be a primary offense, but it should entail jail time.  There is nothing these people have to say that is important.

    4. "Studies" have shown that the economy will improve when we ban cell phones, because all the shoppers that we have lost and the tremendous income we've lost because of the rudeness of these cads who jabber on all day are making people give up on going out in public.

    5. "I don't want your second hand brain cancer." bumper stickers.

    And when we get done with that, we're going after fat people.  And people who sun tan.

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