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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Sorry, I've forgot to check back... (none / 0) (#8)
    by J Baranowski on Thu Dec 03, 2009 at 07:22:05 PM EST
    "In today's world, our legislators aren't really paid that much compared to other professional wages; it's only just shy of 80K with a 3K expense account, plus health and pension benefits, also par for the course. Without knowing the exact cost of the benefits, we can calculate the budgetary cost of the legislature in cash is about 12.3 Million plus benefits. (Rules of thumb would estimate another 6 Mil for that. SIDE-NOTE: How is it fair that we ask people to lay down their private lives, serve in government, yet as an employer of these folks, not provide health and pension plans that attract and keep good people in most other professional jobs, not to mention state jobs?"

    I responded to these claims. I agree with much of Mr. Peterson wrote. But this was the lead-off in his post.

    Mr. Peterson, did you not mean "pension?" Also, do you think that $80K/yr with an expense account, exceptional benefits (for life), and a pension plan (all for being elected for ONE term) is about par for the course?

    I read the rest of your post again, but I still didn't see any refutation of your initial statements. Judging by your comments, I think I may have over-emphasized your initial paragraph. Is this the case?

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