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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Rick met his objective, but the video is CYA (none / 0) (#1)
    by Republican Michigander on Tue Sep 29, 2009 at 05:59:02 PM EST
    Rick Snyder met his objective. I'm not going to fault that. In fact, I'm not offended by it. He got his folks there and paid the $75 or $100 for all of they could vote. I didn't see that extra step as much from other campaigns. Good for Rick. It counts for a little momentum, and he had zip zilch zero before that.

    Many other campaigns, from what I saw, didn't pay the $75/$100 for straw poll voting. They had their people do other things for the candidate. Look for the credentials.

    I'm pretty certain that most of Cox and Bouchard/Land's paid people didn't have credentials.

    As far as the video goes, it sure looked like a CYA effort to me. I wasn't there when "2 guys named Joe" (I never heard of them) filmed that, but edited or not, that was a blunder. "I don't know much about him?" was followed up with the reading of a press release. I know political speak when I see it.

    Regardless of my opinion of Snyder who happens to be my last choice, anyone who represents a candidate should know quite a bit about him (or her) and be able to defend him at any time, ambush or not.

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