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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Am I the only one (none / 0) (#4)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu Mar 25, 2010 at 04:38:18 PM EST
    That finds it strange that after the Pelosi led parade through the ranks of the Tea Party gathering this all started. They didn't get the reaction they wanted so like the good little thugs they are they lied and made it up. The videos and audios that were taken at the rally as Pelosi and follwers taunted the protestors did not show or record any racial slurs or threats being hurled at the Congress members. But yet there were the acusations. Jessie Jackson Jr was following behind with a video camera to record the incident they hoped would occurr. It didn't happen, it didn't work. So far Congressman Jackson has not made his video available to the press. My view is that this is being done by the left. They have a long history of this. It is after all one of the Alinsky tactics that these people are taught. In 2008 Democrat offices in Denver were alledgedly attacked and vandalized by Conservatives. The person arrested was a radical who had worked for two Democrat campaigns. How many times have we seen a student or teacher claim to have been the victim of a hate crime on a campus only to find out later they were the ones that put the noose or cross on their own door or automobile. No, I don't think this stuff is legit. I think it is staged. Funny that all these things have been recorded on voice mail when everyone who has called a Congressional Office over the last three weeks knows the voice mail boxes are full and the phones have been busy constantly. It is an interesting coincidence that all this happened when the Dems realized that the backlash and the opposition to the Health Care bill was real and they really screwed up by passing it. Now they are trying to salvage their majority by portraying themselves as the victims. Where was the outrage at the things that happened when George W. Bush was attacked and threatened? Didn't hear much about that from the statist sheep in the media. This is typical of the left. It follows the same pattern they have follow for years. Nothing new here. Same old same old.

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