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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.


    By Rougman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Mar 25, 2010 at 01:51:41 PM EST
    Tags: Rep. Bart Stupak, Heath Care (all tags)

    cross posted at a dismissive Rougblog

    The first effigy hanging I ever witnessed was during my college years. It did not take place within the progressive bubble of CMU's journalism department but rather hung by the side of M-33 in rural Oscoda County but a few miles from where then Gov. William Milliken had pledged to bury thousands of cattle tainted with PBB.

    It was not a popular decision with the locals who feared illness and birth defects if PBB from the rotting carcasses ever leached into the groundwater. Energetic activists took the time to erect a makeshift gallows from which they hung a stuffed life size cloth replica of the governor. A rock and roll band played on in the background.

    It was all for naught. The cattle were indeed buried. Thankfully, Milliken was never hanged. The band, I think, played wedding gigs for a couple of years despite how unpopular punk was with the in-laws.

    Much is being made the last couple of days over the death threats and harassment being hurled at people like Bart Stupak. One such threat contained a drawing of a gallows with Bart's name written on it.

    A call to his office went like this:
    "Congressman Stupak, you are one big piece of human [bleep.] And think about this, there are millions of people across the country who wish you ill. And all of those thoughts projected on you will materialize into something that's not very good for you. We don't have to do anything but sit back and wish. Go to hell, you piece of [bleep.]"
    "Stupak you're a low life baby murdering scumbag pile of steaming crap. Bleep. You're a [unintelligible] punk, Stupak. That's what you are. You and your family is scum. You ought to fill your pockets with lead and jump in the Potomac. Punk. That's what you are, Stupak. You're a piece of crap. We hate your guts here in real [unintellibible] America. We despise you and every punk like you, Stupak. Get out of office. Get off our property."
    Pleasant? No.

    Harassment? Perhaps.

    Death threat? Where?

    This is the cause of the maelstrom? A prepared and carefully read statement from someone who apparently believes she, with the help of millions of others, can think long and hard enough to stricken Mr. Stupak with "ill." And another from a guy whose grammar and accent would place him somewhere in the lowest quartile of his junior high Mississippi special ed class. It sounds like this doofus, who does nothing more than suggest that Stupak might want to commit suicide in a very dirty river, almost tries to give his home address away before he stumbles out the word "America."

    "Get off my lawn," though not a death threat, would sound pretty mean if my Dad was yelling it, at least until my Mom backhanded him one. The biggest possible threat coming out of this guy's mouth would be the accidental discharge of a tobacco plug.

    What we have here are death threats to be carried out by some very well concealed weapons. So concealed in fact that they do not exist unless, of course, Stupak takes Mr. Tobacco seriously and does load his pockets with a heavy metal and jumps.

    Conservatives and particularly the Tea Party movement are being accused of heavily damaging political discourse in this country. By inserting the term "death panels" into the health care debate, Sarah Palin and the conservatives were ridiculed for fear mongering. Contrarily, when Stupak and company embrace a nationalized socialist health care program that will force the denial of health services due to insufficient capacity, its a money saver! Meanwhile, someone has to make the decision of who gets the care. But its not a DEATH PANEL! LIAR!

    When pro-life groups point out that abortion ultimately means the death of a baby they are accused of damaging the conversation. Really, what else was going to come out of there? A turnip? Where do these people take biology?

    When Pete Stark addressed President George W. Bush from the Congressional podium and accused him of amusing himself with the deaths of American soldiers, was he engaging in kind political discourse? When Bart Stupak himself accused oil companies of obscene profits while his constituents' families were crippled, was he engaging in honest debate, or was he using unfair character assassinations for his political purposes? Does Stupak not realize that even oil executives can get ugly drawings?

    Politics is a rough and tumble game. People make big decisions that impact the lives of millions while steering the course of a country. People get upset. Sometimes people say things and do things that aren't particularly smart or commendable. Sometimes people get violent as witnessed when union thugs roughed up tea partiers at a political rally.

    People who choose to live their lives in the spotlight of political office should expect to get a little flak when they make a controversial stand--particularly when they make a highly visible final stand that is exactly opposite of the one they've made a career out of championing.

    How does the old saying go? If you stand in the middle of the road you can get hit by traffic heading both directions.

    In a manner that would make a chipmunk proud, Stupak waited until the last possible moment before announcing which side of the road he was going to scurry to. His ultimate decision angered the pro-life crowd, while his hesitancy to openly endorse a pro-abortion stance ticked off feminists and a befuddled Joe Biden who didn't like anyone standing in the way of something he thought was a big bleeping deal.

    If Bart Stupak gets plausible death threats he should report them to the FBI and the morons making them should spend many years in jail. No legitimate voice on the conservative side would tell you any differently.

    If however, a mewling Stupak claims death threats against his person and all he can produce as evidence is a gallows drawing, an allusion to concentrated negative thoughts, and a suggestion to commit suicide while getting off the lawn, he is merely adhering to an old Saul Alinsky tactic of discrediting the opposition. Look! They are frothing at the mouth!

    At this late point in Stupak's political career, it just might be time for him to finally grow himself a pair. After all, his effigy is still unblemished while that particular band ain't ever getting back together.

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    About these "threats". (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Thu Mar 25, 2010 at 02:10:14 PM EST
    First, democrats are NOT above staging vandalism against themselves in order to engender sympathy for their cause.

    Second, democrats are not above "stretching" the truth as to what really happened at certain events.
    It's amazing what the MSM fails to report.

    Third, progressives are not above making threats themselves. Some of them would make even Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi & Emmanuel Cleaver wince compared to what they're purportedly experiencing now.

    Finally, how soon they forget.

    Am I the only one (none / 0) (#4)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu Mar 25, 2010 at 04:38:18 PM EST
    That finds it strange that after the Pelosi led parade through the ranks of the Tea Party gathering this all started. They didn't get the reaction they wanted so like the good little thugs they are they lied and made it up. The videos and audios that were taken at the rally as Pelosi and follwers taunted the protestors did not show or record any racial slurs or threats being hurled at the Congress members. But yet there were the acusations. Jessie Jackson Jr was following behind with a video camera to record the incident they hoped would occurr. It didn't happen, it didn't work. So far Congressman Jackson has not made his video available to the press. My view is that this is being done by the left. They have a long history of this. It is after all one of the Alinsky tactics that these people are taught. In 2008 Democrat offices in Denver were alledgedly attacked and vandalized by Conservatives. The person arrested was a radical who had worked for two Democrat campaigns. How many times have we seen a student or teacher claim to have been the victim of a hate crime on a campus only to find out later they were the ones that put the noose or cross on their own door or automobile. No, I don't think this stuff is legit. I think it is staged. Funny that all these things have been recorded on voice mail when everyone who has called a Congressional Office over the last three weeks knows the voice mail boxes are full and the phones have been busy constantly. It is an interesting coincidence that all this happened when the Dems realized that the backlash and the opposition to the Health Care bill was real and they really screwed up by passing it. Now they are trying to salvage their majority by portraying themselves as the victims. Where was the outrage at the things that happened when George W. Bush was attacked and threatened? Didn't hear much about that from the statist sheep in the media. This is typical of the left. It follows the same pattern they have follow for years. Nothing new here. Same old same old.

    NPR (none / 0) (#5)
    by Rougman on Thu Mar 25, 2010 at 05:24:19 PM EST
    I just listened to a short report on NPR's All Things Considered.

    The portion that they did on Stupak had these same three threats on them.  

    Is this really the worst of the worst?  I used to have worse conversations on the basketball court.  Then again, I boxed out low.  

    More fabrications as... (none / 0) (#8)
    by rdww on Fri Mar 26, 2010 at 09:01:52 AM EST
    ... part of the media's Two Minute Hate campaign against conservatism.

    A better eulogy for Stupak was written by Whittier a century and a half ago:

    by John Greenleaf Whittier

    So fallen! so lost! the light withdrawn
          Which once he wore!
    The glory from his gray hairs gone

    Revile him not, the Tempter hath
          A snare for all;
    And pitying tears, not scorn and wrath,
          Befit his fall!

    Oh, dumb be passion's stormy rage,
          When he who might
    Have lighted up and led his age,
          Falls back in night.

    Scorn! would the angels laugh, to mark
          A bright soul driven,
    Fiend-goaded, down the endless dark,
          From hope and heaven!

    Let not the land once proud of him
          Insult him now,
    Nor brand with deeper shame his dim,
          Dishonored brow.

    But let its humbled sons, instead,
          From sea to lake,
    A long lament, as for the dead,
          In sadness make.

    Of all we loved and honored, naught
          Save power remains;
    A fallen angel's pride of thought,
          Still strong in chains.

    All else is gone; from those great eyes
          The soul has fled:
    When faith is lost, when honor dies,
          The man is dead!

    Then, pay the reverence of old days
          To his dead fame;
    Walk backward, with averted gaze,
          And hide the shame!

    Update (none / 0) (#9)
    by LookingforReagan on Fri Mar 26, 2010 at 12:09:27 PM EST
    The Sergant of Arms of the United States House of Representitives reported yesterday that the number and volume of threats against members of Congress had NOT increased beyond normal expected levels. Guess that puts the lie to bed. This has been all made up.The Liberal Progressives are reverting to form. It is what they do. LIE. They LIE about everything and they cannot be trusted.

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