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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    The Pledge (none / 0) (#3)
    by LookingforReagan on Fri Mar 05, 2010 at 07:03:54 PM EST
    All candiates for Governor, make that Republican Convservative candidates should take a pledge to do the following.
    1. Freeze state spending and all hiring with the exception of State Police.
    2. Cut the number of state employees by at least 20% immediatly and agree to cut more employees by 5% per year. In the mid-80s this state had a population of nearly eleven million people and was well served by 32,000 state workers. Why do we, with our shrinking population need nearly 60,000 state workers? What pratell do they do?
    We also need immediate tax relief with a new tax code and structure. If the politicians won't do it the people must and will.
    1. Roll back of some of the more repressive regulations enacted by this governor that have surpressed and destroyed our economy. I beleive it was done intentionally.
    2. Agree to privitize our minimum and medium security prisons. The savings to the state would be in excess of $400 million dollars per year.
    It is a start.
    But we the People must demand more. We deserve a government that doesn't waste our tax dollars. By allowing private sector companies to take over many of the state functions cost will go down. In order for the private sector to make money in order to stay in business they have to find ways to do things better and cheaper. In other words they can do what government can't or won't. The time has come.

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