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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Well, if memory serves. (none / 0) (#4)
    by LookingforReagan on Tue Aug 10, 2010 at 09:39:03 PM EST
    Newt and the boys promised us term limits among other things. Still waiting on that one. Along with getting rid of the IRS and the Department of Indoctrination.
    Term limits better by God be a prime goal of the new Congress. If not we are in for the same old crap. Republicans get in for a while and get comfy taking a little here and a little there. Then the folks get pissed and toss them out in favor of the Commie Lib Progressives. Then they get about 4-6 years to erode our freedoms and liberties a bit more.
    The old excuse that " We need to be here long enough to learn the ropes" won't fly any longer. Because once they learn the ropes WE THE PEOPLE are the ones that always end up getting hung. Term limits have to be a goal of the National party and we need to get a part time legistature in Lansing such as they have in Texas. They meet for 120 days every other year. That way they don't have as much time to cause to much mischieve. We have the means to put the reins on these hacks. It is called the Constitutional Amendment process. Not perfect and pretty slow but we can do it. Right now I think the folks are ready for it. Might want to strike while the iron is hot.

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