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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I'm disappointed, but not surprised in the least.. (none / 0) (#2)
    by KG One on Sun Jan 09, 2011 at 12:23:01 PM EST
    ...at what passes for media in America today.

    Most of the talking heads were focusing on the basics any good reporting (i.e. what happened, who was DIRECTLY involved (more on this later), where it happened, when it happened and to a degree why it happened.

    Then they ran out of material.

    So what do they do?

    Go dredging for something, anything, to fill up air time and keep viewers.

    That's when their standards flew right our the window.

    Just about every network I was surfing through last night focused like a laser on the SarahPAC and the TEA Party.

    I'm sorry, but I remember something a long, long time ago about journalists exercising a quaint concept called "objectivism".

    The Daily Kos article was an great example. I first caught it through Michelle Malkin's site yesterday.

    Interestingly enough, when I went to see it first hand, this is what I found.

    Even the Daily Kos people were so embarrassed that they may be associated with the shooter, they eliminated it from their site.

    So was the original poster, afterwards.

    When you have to pull a cached version of an article, that tell you something is wrong right there.

    Now before people go off and start jumping to conclusions, I'm not pointing any fingers at what were the motivations behind yesterday's shooting.

    The punk who did it was caught and is apparently not talking, so anything from this point is merely speculation.

    But this would be an excellent opportunity for the media to take a long hard look at itself in the mirror, and decide whether or not its "reporting" practices should be reexamined as to their actual objectiveness.

    • Exactly. by JGillman, 01/09/2011 01:03:33 PM EST (none / 0)

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