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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    You're missing the point on the REAL reason behind (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Sun Aug 28, 2011 at 10:27:27 AM EST
    ..people around Detroit opposing this proposal.

    Unlike Rep Bledsoe, I'm not a.) a democrat and b.) PC., so I can say what needs to be said.

    I can tell you is that he's using the "local control" argument because he's deathly afraid to touch on the REAL issue here: DPS students leaving Detroit en masse and fleeing to the 'burbs bringing down test scores and causing numerous disruptions in the classrooms.

    Race is still a touchy topic in this part of the state, and he's afraid with being slapped with a racist label if he tells anyone what I just wrote.

    Click here to see what I mean.

    There's a damn good reason Detroit Public School Students
    have a graduation rate in the 25% range.

    Here's another one.

    Now you and the guv want to impose on the education of the students in those districts surrounding Detroit who do want to learn?

    Why should their education be even more adversely impacted by a PC runamok-guv?

    Why should surrounding communities have to deal with the problems that will accompany this influx of unruly students?

    And are you ready for the proverbial can of worms that will come along with this proposal.

    For example what will the guv do when those former DPS students demand transportation between their front door and school of choice?

    Or any of the other goodies handed out by our benevolent government?

    What, you won't provide any of it? Then you're a racist!

    EMF's don't kick out all of the residents while they restructure their assigned cities so that they are solvent again. The same should hold true for schools, especially DPS.

    Send someone in there to liberally apply a kick in the pants to the status quo (just for the record Roy Roberts, isn't cutting it), but don't drag down the adjacent districts with a ready-fire-aim solution.

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