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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Interesting that you mention Young Gillman... (none / 0) (#23)
    by Nathan Inks on Thu Apr 04, 2013 at 11:44:12 PM EST
    I wonder what his view on gay marriage is.  Back in his college days, he used to call himself a "libertarian", and at one point, he wanted to start a group for "classic liberals".

    Then again, he was always somewhat of a troll.  His Facebook used to describe his job at CM-Life as, "I get paid to piss people off."

    And it's interesting that you backed MacMaster against Dennis... Young Jason used to have some pretty nasty things to say about MacMaster.  Although since he never actually backed up the allegations with evidence, I won't repeat them, as they were borderline slanderous.


    • Outstanding.. by jgillmanjr, 04/05/2013 12:57:39 AM EST (none / 0)

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