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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Another MEA recall stumbles

    By EducationActionGroupdotOrg, Section News
    Posted on Wed Sep 10, 2008 at 03:00:31 PM EST
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    originally posted on Thug Watch


    Last week it was revealed the MEA pulled the plug on their recall attempt of 4 board members in Southfield because of their vote to privatize all non-instructional services, resulting in an estimated savings of $21 million over 3 years-$805 per student per year.

    It was and is our opinion that the MEA threw in the towel because they couldn't find the community support.  Not so, said the local union president, and invited naysayers to count them.

    Monday, we sent a registered letter to him, accepting his offer.  It's likely he was grandstanding and won't actually follow through on his own offer.  We'll keep you posted.

    Now, comes word that the recall in Gladstone has been rejected at the clarity hearing level.  It surprises us, frankly, because one can say just about anything (even lies) at the hearing and it typically is approved.

    What is particularly interesting in this episode is the mask on the "Committee to Improve Gladstone Schools" was removed and found the face of the MEA behind it.  From today's Daily Press:

    Speaking on behalf of the Committee to Improve Gladstone Schools during the clarity hearing was Sandra Walker of the Michigan Education Association.

    Walker said the committee intends to refile the petition as soon as possible.

    "We are of course disappointed with the decision, and we continue to feel strongly a need to move forward on the recall," said Walker.

    Walker said work on a new recall petition has started and would include changes requested by the clarity hearing panel.

    "I would expect to file the new petition by Sept. 19 with the Delta County Clerk's office," said Walker.

    Huh, as if that was any shock.  We're confident Ms. Walker will follow through and continue to drag the community through this and attempt to bend them to the MEA's will.

    We'll be staying on top of this one and continue to expose the MEA's agenda.

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