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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Palin's lobbying for earmarks: Ransom to corruption

    By Angry White Male, Section News
    Posted on Wed Sep 03, 2008 at 08:22:04 PM EST
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    Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is being accused of hypocrisy for opposing a corrupt federal earmark spending system while as mayor of Wasilla she engaged a lobbyist to "bring back more bacon" for the community. The fairness of this rap depends on whether earmarks add to the federal spending pie, or simply divvy up a fixed pie in a different manner.

    If Palin's lobbying for an earmark is didn't expand the federal pie but simply put a bigger slice of it on her community's plate, then she was morally entitled to pursue that money precisely because she opposes and has fought against the earmark system. That would have been the verdict of radical individualist and opponent of socialism Ayn Rand: Rand explained that it is proper to accept, and even seek, government money once it's been collected, as restitution for the taxes one has been forced to pay, as long as one takes a principled stand against them.

    A genuine reformer is not required to disadvantage herself or her constituents in the distribution of government funds, while the unscrupulous who lobbied to create the earmark system keep all the loot to themselves. As Rand said, "[m]inimizing the financial injury inflicted on [taxpayers] by the welfare-state laws, does not constitute support of welfare statism.... Initiating, advocating, or expanding such laws is."

    To the extent Palin's lobbying expanded federal spending, though, the case becomes more ambiguous, and the Rand defense goes out the window.

    The earmark system is necessarily corrupt, since it represents rule by men, not by law. Sarah Palin didn't create the system, but as mayor of a city she had to operate within it. In that sense,  Mayor Palin might be viewed as a hostage to a corrupt system. Perhaps the worst that might be said of her was that she paid ransom to that corruption on behalf of her constituents.

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    Garbage (none / 0) (#1)
    by NoviDemocrat on Wed Sep 03, 2008 at 09:31:17 PM EST
    This is like saying that a slaveowner had no choice but to engage in slavery lest other slaveowners gain an economic challenge by continuing to use slaves. Palin could have taken a principled stand and refused to participate in the earmarks system. That would have been the honorable route. It's why conservatives hail Hillsdale College for refusing to take federal student aid dollars. But she was more interested in being at the trough.

    • Funny by tenex22, 09/04/2008 08:38:32 AM EST (none / 0)
    Oops - non-Michigan issue (none / 0) (#2)
    by Angry White Male on Wed Sep 03, 2008 at 09:50:04 PM EST
    Sorry Right Michigan! Oh well - it's all anyone's talking about.

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