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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    The Cherry Record: MSM reports families being torn apart by Cherry economy

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Tue Mar 03, 2009 at 07:26:57 AM EST
    Tags: Unemployment, Cherry (all tags)

    Easy to get caught up in the numbers and the statistics in an economy like this but its always the human toll that really drives it home for me.  Yeah, 10.6 percent unemployment is a really big number.  Bigger than anyone else in the rest of the country.  So?  It's a number.  Its sort of out there, in the air, looking foreboding and ominous but mostly just hovering there.  If you've got a hyper-analytical mind it might mean more to you and you might be able to see beyond the digits, but they're still just numbers.

    Numbers don't feel pain, though.  People do.  The Flint Journal caught up with a few local families who are experiencing those numbers and that pain in ways that math and fractions can't really explain.  

    With record number of jobs evaporating across the state and home values plummeting beneath what many homeowners still owe on their property, more than a handful of moms and dads are facing choices no family every should... to split... to separate so that Dad can find work in another state while mom keeps the kids back at home in Michigan in a house they can't afford to sell.

    Read on...

    Tara Provost and her five young children share a cramped bedroom in her grandparents' ranch home.

    Some 630 miles away, Provost's husband Gerald falls asleep in a lonely hotel room in Mission, Kan., near his job at a General Motors plant, missing his wife and kids...

    They're among a growing number of workers who, because of Michigan's struggling job market, are taking jobs out of state, sometimes as far away as California and Texas.

    Many families can't join Mom or Dad in a new location because they can't sell their house here for what they owe.

    Gerald and Tara Provost and all five of their kids are the faces of the economic record that John Cherry claims to be so proud to run on this election cycle.  They aren't abstracts.  They aren't numbers.  They're our friends and our neighbors, whether we know them personally or not.  Because I can all but guarantee that everyone in Michigan reading this today has their own personal Gerald, Tara and kids who pop immediately to mind.

    Heaven knows I've got too many friends and family members in this same boat, myself.  One family pops right to mind... mom stayed in Michigan with the kids, working for a few extra bucks when she could while dad took off for Pennsylvania, where he could manage a regular paycheck.

    The oldest kids handled things fine... they were in college or preparing to finish high school, but the youngest, a pair of boys... they'll never get back that lost time with their dad.  

    That's what all of these equations and numbers and percentage points boil down to.  Moms and dads and sons and daughters whose families are scattered to the four winds because the men and women we've sent to Lansing can't manage to get things right by simply staying out of our way.

    More government, more taxes, more programs... more dads facing the heartbreaking realization that the only way to provide for their families in Michigan may be to physically leave them for months or years at a time.  

    No social safety net for those families, Lieutenant Governor?

    < Goodbye to the Matriarch of the Kent GOP | Tuesday in the Sphere: March 3 >

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    Right, but the question... (none / 0) (#2)
    by Nick on Tue Mar 03, 2009 at 07:45:23 AM EST
    is where is the social safety net for the families being scattered across the country?  

    No program for that one.  :/

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