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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Eternal General, Attorney General, and Detroit Corruption

    By Angry White Male, Section News
    Posted on Fri Apr 24, 2009 at 09:41:58 AM EST
    Tags: Detroit, corruption, Michigan Attorney General (all tags)

    Given the rampant corruption over many decades in the City of Detroit and the Detroit Public Schools, how is it that none of those hundreds of lawyers and investigators working for his Eternalness, Attorney General Frank Kelley, his more shapely successor (Granholm) or the current guy never, ever turned over a single rock down there and stomped on what scurried out?

    Yeah, I know why - politics: No one in this state's bipartisan polical establishment wanted to uspet the cozy, inbred, rotten political apple cart, and threaten the shaky balance in the dysfunctional relationship between the city's government and the state's.

    Plus, there were more important matters to crack down on than hundreds of millions of taxpayers dollars being looted and successive generations of inner city school children being destroyed - some boxes of Triscuit at the Wyoming Meijers didn't have price tags, and a few auto repair shops were bilking a few dozen consumers.

    Funny how those particular "crime waves" always seemed to happen in even-years with no presidential election.

    Except for the current guy that's all water over the dam, but someone should start attaching that asterix to these people's names:

    *A.G. Kelley - Ignored rampant Detroit corruption for 37 years
    *A.G. Granholm - Ignored rampant Detroit corruption for 4 years.
    *A.G. Cox - Ignored rampant Detroit corruption for 8 years.

    < Republicans led 'out of the wilderness' by Conservative Unity | I Agree With Monica Conyers >

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    Don't forget... (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Fri Apr 24, 2009 at 03:14:59 PM EST
    ...AG Cox: Cuts sweetheart deals with ex-mayors of Detroit.

    MSM has left Granholm alone re Wayne County (none / 0) (#2)
    by conservativefox on Fri Apr 24, 2009 at 03:25:10 PM EST
    I find it funny that the MSM has almost completely left Granholm alone regarding the corruption in Wayne County, despite the fact she brags about being part of the "McNamara Machine"
    Though the DetNews gave her crap (rightfully so) about the Highland Park financial manager who managed to write himself double pay checks!

    As for KG's comment (because only one thing is consistent, he hates Cox and hates Kilpatrick), I wouldn't say he cut a "sweetheart deal" he prosecuted him for shoving a cop, and as a result Kilpatrick received jail time and resigned as Mayor of Detroit.  Those are both good in my book.

    Democratic Prosecutor Kim Worthy on the other hand, let numerous felonies of perjury slide that could have resulted in serious serious jail time.

    Regardless, what I want to know is what happen to all these federal investigations that started years ago and are now under the direction of Attorney General Holder...

    • Uh no. by KG One, 04/24/2009 03:03:11 PM EST (none / 0)
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