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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Another worthy read

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Dec 31, 2010 at 07:37:51 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, energy, The Other Club, Granholm (all tags)

    The Other Club's proprietor has also objected to the expensive and unnecessary additional cost for Michiganders, and really drives home the reality we face.  Duane opines:
    Imminently-former-Governor Granholm's desire to manufacture windmills now moves from merely stupid to surreal. You are subsidizing the manufacture of windmills so they may be sold to people who have just arranged to tax you in order to enable distribution of electricity from the windmills. That electricity will charge the batteries Ms Granholm has also subsidized, in cars the Feds have forced you to pay for, built by a company whose union you were made to bail-out. All with no law being passed.

    Former governor not soon enough..  a little over 4 hours..  Tick Tock Tick Tock

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    If the House GOP really wants to show that... (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Fri Dec 31, 2010 at 07:53:24 PM EST
    ...things are going to be different in '11, the first item on their list should be to defund/decertify/dismantle the EPA.

    No one can possibly defend federal agencies that claim some extra-constitutional authority.

    • Don't forget by LookingforReagan, 12/31/2010 09:49:37 PM EST (none / 0)
    The CLP's might (none / 0) (#2)
    by LookingforReagan on Fri Dec 31, 2010 at 09:45:40 PM EST
    Just want to rethink their plan. Yes, I realize they are not equipped for the function of rational thought but are more inclined to act on feelings, urges and tingles up there legs. But the fact is with the current natural global cooling cycle that prevails these wind mills don't work real well. Ask the Green loving Brits. They have found out that the lubricant in the gear boxes of these things has a tendancy to thicken and freeze. Now they are having to retro-fit heating devices to the turbines. Now the turbines are using more energy then then they can make. Britain demands at least 5% of all electric power come from wind. Right now they are getting about 1%. The worst laid plans of Commie Libtards are always built on irrational thoughts and a total lack of common sense. They have no real world experience that governs their ability to learn from their mistakes. As a result they find the need to have to bribe people to buy into their idiotic ideas and schemes. Such as electric cars, windmills, and solar energy. If there was a cheaper better alternative to fossil fuels we would 1)have found it and 2) be using it. Since you don't see millions climbing on this train wreck demanding to be allowed to invest it is a good clue it is a boondoggle like everything else Dear Leader and those like him propose.

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