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    Tag: Cheating

    Good Grief: Now Patterson is Blowing Smoke with a Lottery Scheme

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jul 24, 2012 at 06:11:33 PM EST
    Tags: Kerry Bentivolio, Patriot, Conservatism, CD11, Nolan Finkley, Detroit News, MBT, Crassis, Baby Ruth, Republicans, Democrats, Cheating, Bobby Schostak, Roy Schmidt, Mark Brewer, L. Brooks Patterson, Crony Capitalism, Tom Stroup, Republican kakistocracy, backroom shenanigans, the write-in candidate, Spelling lessons, Nancey Casses, Corporate Welfare, Elite, GOP, Never Learn, Tax-exempt oligarchies, DIA TAX HIKE (all tags)

    Half-baked L. Brooks Patterson just can't stop himself from placing his ham-handed electioneering fingers into any CD-11 event that should be decided by voters.

    Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson is renewing his call for Republicans and Democrats to narrow their selection to one candidate to avoid the cost of a special primary election to fill the term of former U.S. Rep. Thaddeus McCotter.

    Um, Brooks .. there is only one Democrat from Local 245 in the special election.  AND there was only one Republican that filed well in advance too, well, until the cabals write-in candidate and her endorsing former state legislator and current Livonia council president, undoubtedly squeezed that Livonia civics grapevine enlisting at least two other filers covering for write-in Nansee Crassis.

    Patterson said Tuesday that both major political parties should hold a lottery to pick one Republican and one Democrat in order to avoid a special primary election Sept. 5.  

    "This is about fiscal responsibility," Patterson said in an early morning statement. "If there is only one candidate from each party running, there is no need to spend tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars on a special primary election.

    "It's ridiculous to spend that amount of taxpayer dollars on a special primary election for just a couple weeks in office."

    Fiscal responsibility?  Really?  Sorry bub, you tossed that meme out the window with pushing the DIA tax hike.

    But, OK, Brooksie, have your handpicked crony, MBT author and Corporate welfare write-in candidate drop out first.


    Comments >>

    Nancy Cassis, The Silverdome, and Pontiac's EFM

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Mon Jul 23, 2012 at 07:55:50 PM EST
    Tags: Kerry Bentivolio, Patriot, Conservatism, CD11, Nolan Finkley, Detroit News, MBT, Crassis, Baby Ruth, Republicans, Democrats, Cheating, Bobby Schostak, Roy Schmidt, Mark Brewer, L. Brooks Patterson, Crony Capitalism, Tom Stroup, Republican kakistocracy, backroom shenanigans, the write-in candidate, Spelling lessons, Nancey Casses, Corporate Welfare, Elite, GOP, Never Learn, Tax-exempt oligarchies, DIA TAX HIKE, Oakland Co pays (all tags)

    You read that right.  After the signature gathering primary election fact, smear merchant write-in Nancy voted for expanding Crony Capitalism that continues to spell doom in Pontiac, and Corporate welfare in Detroit.  Her vote.  Sure, ringleader L. Brooks Patterson is able to appear as the mack daddy of SE Michigan, if, or the reality is, when Oakland County is able to keep them taxpayer subsidized, write-in Nancy approved pie plates spinning in the air.  All it takes is for folk like them, is to reach into Joe Taxpayer's pocket to do it, and now, L. Brooks Patterson is pushing the DIA tax hike too.

    "Taxes go to projects that are worthy, whether we use them or not," Patterson said, noting that when he travels around the world to recruit business, he is always asked about schools, neighborhoods and cultural amenities. "The DIA is a huge opportunity for me to answer that question in a positive way. It's an economic development tool for me."

    Or not?  Holy bejesus!  Why don't you have another cocktail, Brooksie?  You too, Nolan.

    Now, the truth below.

    (4 comments, 540 words in story) Full Story

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    True Republicans Don't Cheat.

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Sun Jul 22, 2012 at 12:11:28 PM EST
    Tags: Conservatism, Michigan, Roy Scmidt, Legislature, Baby Ruth, Republicans, Democrats, Cheating (all tags)

    True conservative Republicans don't cheat.

    They don't need to.

    When Rep Roy Schmidt -D became Rep Roy Schmidt -R, it didn't change who he was.  Like painting a blue Ford Pinto red, it hardly makes it a Lincoln Towncar. The taint that is now apparently giving fuel to the most leftist Democrats for the upcoming elections truly drives home the fact that where THEY come from nowadays, is really a degenerate pool of deceit and sleight of hand.  By embracing the left into the Republican party, the infection is immediately seen for what it is.

    True principles do not allow deception to become a part of their playbook.  Open, honest, and upfront dealings, along with explanation of consequence are the only way in which political matters should be handled.  Sadly, there are still those who are willing to accept a second rate toss off from a second rate political ideology that has no conscience.

    Remember who hid the source of funding and authorship until a Mackinac center intern discovery, of the RMGN document.  The admission as displayed in the discovery, was they (the Dems) were worried about their reelection chance in 2010, so a small cheat was needed.  The cheat as was revealed was the nearly complete re-write of our Michigan constitution.  They won't talk about that along side new complaints about the Republicans will they?

    And then recall the big cheat, where not only was a vote draining scheme concocted, it involved straight up fraud and document forgery.  Hell some of the candidates not only lived outside the district, but didn't even know they were running!  But the Dems won't do anything but briefly complain that because they were busted then, the republicans should face the same fate now.  And never mind the fact that in their effort 9 felony counts were placed on the culprits in contrast to ZERO for this recent event.

    And now, the lefty Dems are crying foul for a "Republican" scheme to win a particular seat once occupied by the same man who wants to occupy it as a republican?

    Yeah.  I can relate.

    Republicans need to give him back. He isn't natural here.  It isn't what we are about. That's THEIR gig, and they are upset our leadership got excited about picking up the seat.  No excuses.  Wrong is wrong, and people are about sick of the games played simply so some can hold on to their political jobs.  Schmidt is a Democrat, played a lefty game, and became the baby ruth in our pool.

    Get the net.

    (3 comments) Comments >>

    Can I Borrow A Hammer

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Apr 25, 2012 at 07:29:35 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Labor, Unions, SEIU, Force, Fraud, Cheating, Scam, Skim, Taking From The Poor, Hammer, Sickle (all tags)

    from you, so I have a way to beat you senseless?

    The poor and disadvantaged have been paying into a merciless system of political payback set up by Jennifer Granholm, and advanced through a series of tricks.  Authorities created under legislation passed during her tenure became the basis for the presumed voting in of a union for unsuspecting home health care workers and the money vacuum was turned on high. And it apparently continues.

    Despite a bill being signed in to law by Gov. Rick Snyder that ends the "home health care dues skim," money is still being collected from worker paychecks.

    With May on the horizon, it is hoped "dues skim" will officially be brought to an end. Until then, the Michigan Capitol Confidential's skim-tracker will not be turned off.

    Isn't that stealing?

    It most certainly was to begin with, but even the guy with the pen looked the other way while Department of Community Health Olga Dazzo allowed the scam to continue.  Maura Corrigan at least got it right away with regard to the day care workers. The theft from those who had no idea how the unions were allowed to reach into their pockets and literally take the bread from their mouths continues to this day apparently.  Even with the recent legislation designed to stop it:

    "The "skim" has been going on for about six years and the SEIU has taken in more than $29 million. Since the bill was signed by Gov. Snyder on April 10, more than $215,000 has been taken from paychecks.

    However, a recent disclosure report by the union indicates that count could actually be on the low side. Every dollar the union receives from the "skim" can be used for political purposes. It now seems likely that many of the dollars will go toward the SEIU effort to lock the "skim" permanently into Michigan's constitution through a ballot proposal."

    Thats a pretty big hammer.

    Its pretty sickle too.

    (7 comments) Comments >>

    Day 7 Of Delegate - Soldiering On

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Mar 07, 2012 at 06:58:58 AM EST
    Tags: "DELE-GATE", Michigan, Dishonesty, Credentials Committee, MiGOP, Saul Anuzis, Corruption, Lies, Cheating, Memos, DeleGATE, Trust, Grassroots, End Of the Party (all tags)

    And that festering sore, which is the MiGOP credentials committee decision to change the rules for a change the in the outcome of the Michigan primary, is still an issue.

    Imagine that.

    Doctor, I do believe it is gangrene!

    And in our own civil war brought about by the corruption within the Michigan Republican party we will have to hold it down to cut off the bad parts.  Sorry that it is so painful, but someone misplaced all the anesthesia.

    I believe ts somewhere, along with the conscience of party leadership.

    (1 comment) Comments >>

    Dishonesty Of The Republican Party?

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Sun Mar 04, 2012 at 12:03:15 PM EST
    Tags: "DELE-GATE", Michigan, Dishonesty, Credentials Committee, MiGOP, Saul Anuzis, Corruption, Lies, Cheating, Memos, DeleGATE, Trust, Republican Michigander Blog, Grassroots, End Of the Party (all tags)

    You know, for the first time I agree with that Trotskyite,  Shopshire, who spends his taxpayer paid office time blogging.

    In a post regarding the credentials committee decision to change the rules to favor the meme that Romney carried the day February 28, RM's post invited lefty love.  Kevin Shopshire, alias Communications guru, who often lashes out (thats really ALL he does) at republicans and conservatives frequently, made like a broken clock, and may have found a point where he is right for the second time in his life.  Shopshire made a valid point unfortunately:

    Communications guru said...
    Is anyone really surprised Republicans are dishonest? They should have just saved taxpayers $10 million and gave Romney the delegates. This is such a waste of time; all we are doing is deciding who is going to lose to President Obama in November.
    3/01/2012 3:40 PM

    Republican Michigander said...
    Personally I'd rather have the caucus even if the results would have been more favorable to Romney. Unfortunately this [expletive deleted] gave you a great talking point to use against us.
    3/01/2012 4:04 PM

    Communications guru said...
    Talking point? It's not a talking point; it's about the basic dishonesty of your party.
    3/02/2012 8:08 AM

    The point he makes is that the Republican leadership, framed the election in such a way as to ensure Mitts selection here, and when THAT wasn't as clear a win as they would like, it was obvious the rules were changed to make it more so.  And that Michigan Taxpayers, including Democrats (at least those who really work for a living) are footing the bill for this Kabuki theater presentation.

    The "basic dishonesty of the party" meme is getting harder to defend so long as we have continued dominance by an establishment that operates not in a conservative fashion, but in one that continues to elevate those who play for power, not the good of the people.

    More Below.

    (6 comments, 1715 words in story) Full Story

    And Part Of The Reason We Are In Trouble

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon May 16, 2011 at 10:43:32 PM EST
    Tags: Government, Disabilities abuse, Dependency, Cheating, Michigan, Social services (all tags)

    Is that there seems to be a market for helping people take advantage of government.  An organized effort in fact, that has a sympathetic angle, but still abuses the taxpayer trust in helping those who need help. It goes beyond even the typical unemployment abuse, where a worker remains 'underemployed' to stay eligible, and possibly fails to report the cash jobs.

    We have a more insidious abuse in another area; disability.

    A website exists to assist those who collect disability payments in maximizing their benefits. Not just assisting in receiving these 'entitlements,' but in gaming the system so that real efforts to escape the dependency are squelched from the beginning. For example:

    "Benefits and Work Calculator
        What will happen to your income, benefits, and health coverage if you go to work? You can use the Benefits and Work Calculator to find out how a job may affect your total income and your health coverage.

    And it provides a tool to keep those enrolled in disability plans from overachieving. Including our young and those in school. From even reaching the level of capability that they have.

    For the sake of maxing out the cash.

    Maura?  I hope you read this from time to time.

    (6 comments) Comments >>

    Money, money, money, money...monnnney!

    By KG One, Section News
    Posted on Thu Feb 10, 2011 at 09:46:42 AM EST
    Tags: Detroit, Ruins, DPS, Rob Bobb, Lying, Cheating, All the things you've come to expect from Detroit leadership (all tags)

    If this isn't Exhibit "A" of the final outcome of democratic leadership, I don't know what is.

    The City of Detroit is literally in ruins, but not quite there financially yet (h/t to CS). You would think that the opposite would be true, but I'm not quite sure how they managed to pull this off.

    Their educational system is roughly in the same boat at local government.

    Parents who are able, are pulling out their children en masse (and now burdening surrounding school systems who now have to deal with students who aren't accustomed to something called standards and outcomes).

    That mass exodus is causing a massive hit on DPS's bottom line.

    And just when you thought it couldn't get any worse...

    {How's that for a story tease -- Click below for more).

    (467 words in story) Full Story

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