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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I gave that some thought this morning before... (none / 0) (#4)
    by KG One on Tue Jul 19, 2011 at 05:32:33 PM EST
    ...I made my post.

    The one thing that came to mind about the court costs argument is that it is something that can, and I was told beforehand was, attached to a winning verdict like this one should be.

    Aside from having Mommy & Daddy Kilpatrick dip into their secret stash to pay for his stay, they would also be paying for AG Schuette's Office's time to collect that money as well.

    I'm not affiliated with AG Schuette's office in any way, so if there are any lurkers from his office, hopefully they can put that question to rest once and for all.

    Since this is an objective of his office, I'd really be surprised if court costs weren't included.

    Yes, Mike Cox did make him an offer, and then pulled that offer off of the table.

    Considering the number of charges he was facing (those assault charges didn't help much), as long as the trial jury pool was pulled from Wayne County, rather than from Detroit (as it was explained to me was within Kim Worthy's purview to do it that way), I wasn't worried about his chances of walking. He needed to be made an example of, and that was the most opportune time to do it in.

    I'll chalk anything else from this point on as agreeing to disagree, and will leave it at that.

    As for the feds, I'm not holding very much doubt that they'll take his entire corrupt family down once they're done with them (providing Holder doesn't get involved).

    Grab some popcorn. It's bound to get real interesting, real soon.


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