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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    RGMN - Getting the Message Right (Part 3)

    By gregmcneilly, Section News
    Posted on Mon Aug 18, 2008 at 04:42:33 PM EST
    Tags: (all tags)

    Continuing the series (see Part 1 and Part 2):

    As noted previously, the radicals behind this risky proposal will deceitfully focus on one or two selling points.  This Trojan Horse packs a lot of hidden surprises.  

    Let's dig into two areas of impact:
        Democrat Gerrymandering

    As always feel free to add your thoughts to the mix!

    Democrat Gerrymandering

    27)    Mandates districts be drawn within plus or minus 2.5 percent of an ideal population, essentially costing Michigan taxpayers to pay for further court fees defending redistricting plans which will be impossible to conform with, given the dynamic trends in population shifts.
    28)    Constitutionally requires political gerrymandering by imposing an arbitrary forced "swing district" affirmative action for the two major political parties.  Such a requirement does not exist in any state constitution.  It requires that legislative districts be drawn with consideration to political affiliations rather than population.  It defines a "swing district" as base party percentage between 50 and 53 percent.

    Racist  (You'd almost think a former KKK lawyer wrote this proposal.)

    29)    Eliminating current minority representation on the Supreme Court by eliminating two with the least seniority (who just happen to be minorities), giving the state's highest court less diversity.
    30)    Eliminates minority representation on the state's Court of Appeals by restricting the number of judges elected by the people to 21 elected from three districts (down from 28 in 4 districts).  More minority judges will be eliminated by this provision.
    31)    Creates a race-based jury pool, mandating racial preferences be met in filling a jury.  Taxpayers will be required to subsidize this requirement to make jury membership identical to each community's demographics.
    32)    Cuts minority members of the state Senate by 20 percent by reducing the number of members to 28.
    33)    Cuts minority members of the state House by 30 percent by reducing the number of members to 82.

    This is the radical proposal that Barack Obama's supporters in Michigan are spearheading.   Fortunately, there is a bipartisan opposition forming.

    < You can call me a dirty son of a $@%&! but if you ever call me "Daddy" again... | Barackstar to Michigan's new Welfare Queen: 'Stay away... STAY AWAY!' >

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